Join for FREE, Multiple income opportunities, Quality consumable products, Extensive support and network, Bonus paid on the suggested retail price of the products, 30 years of industry experience, Do business in over130 counties,NO pass up or Demotions. We will help you get there!
Another Solution for you Discover The Power Of Network Marketing
If you and one other person”duplicated yourselves”each month, you’d have a total of 4,096 people in your network at the end of 12month,with an average bonus of $40,000+++ per month
10 ways to earn Money
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How Do i’Get There You are closer than you think. Find the opportunity to make your dreams a reality... then take action!
FLP Opportunity has helped millions get where they want to be, where do your dreams take you? Where it is, FLP can help you get there. We have the products and the business plan. If you have the attitude and the enthusiasm, we are going to make a great team.
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We've made it easy for you! Whether you'd like to make a little extra money - or a lot - we've got a great affiliate program for you. If you're interested in natural products and making a difference to people then look no further!
Many people today are looking to supplement their income. And more and more people are looking for a way to run a business online to make some extra money. Or even to turn it into a full-time venture, so they can retire from their job... Our Affiliate program could be just what you're looking for.
We are backed by a $2+ Billion international company: Forever Living Products, who provide exceptional aloe vera natural health products; step by step training; and offices and support around the world. They have been in business since 1978 and now operate in over 130 countries around the world. Which means your business can expand as far as your imagination allows!
There are 3 Affiliate Program Options:
1. Smart Consumer
You can access all the products at wholesale prices. Your initial order needs only to be $305, and then every order after that only needs to be a minimum of $50 wholesale. No other registration fees, or monthly requirements. It free to Join
You can purchase any of these Aloe Vera products for your own use, or for your family and friends. You can also sell them on to make a 43% retail profit. There are no registration or annual fees and no requirement to order monthly. It's called Smart Consumer because if you love these products like we do then it's pretty silly to buy them at retail when you can buy them at wholesale!
2. Business Retailer
You can retail products online and/or offline for a 43% retail profit, plus additional bonuses. You can also introduce other affiliates, and earn a multi-tier commission on your affiliates' sales. Over$1,000++ per month
You'll need to purchase a starter pack - either the Touch of Forever Pack, Fast Start Pack or Beauty Box. And if you do decide to introduce other affiliates, there will be a monthly turnover requirement to earn commissions from your team.
3. International Entrepreneur
Watch out Donald Trump! There is no limit to this affiliate program. We know many people who are earning a very comfortable 4 and 5-figure monthly income.
With our help & support, and the ongoing training provided by Forever Living, you can build an international network of affiliates both online and offline in over 130 countries around the world.
This option also requires a starter pack and maintenance of monthly turnover levels.
Please email us with your interest level and we'll send you all the info you need. Feel free to call us with any questions. There's usually a phone nearby!